Saturday, 19 July 2014

Winners of IQCG Challenge#3

Dear Friends,

It's time to share our winner post. We had fabulous entries for our IQCG Challenge#3 - Quilled A. All the entries were brilliant and it was so hard for our DTs to choose.

Now on to our Top3

Quilled Typography by Anamika Sharma

Typography by Rakhi Pait Chowdhury

Quilled Monogram by Agnisha Ghosh

Winner ......................... is  Sonam Sharma for her innovative creation

Winner and Top3 write to indianquillingchallenge(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your badges. Sonam write to Zarabeads & Creativita to claim your prizes.

Congratulations Sonam & All the Top3s.

From Challenge#4 onwards, Our rating system will be done based on the following criteria
1. Sticking to the theme - 1.5
2. Good presentation - 0.5
3. Creativity & Innovation - 1.5
4. Complexity - 1.5

There is still time to participate in IQCG Challenge#4. Stay tuned till Monday for the next post on Inspiration.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Congratulation to the winners n Top3 !

  2. Congrats to winners and top 3 Sonam quilled A is superb :)

  3. Such gorgeous creations.Congrats on your challenge being fabulously successful Shylaa.Its a wonderful initiative since quilling is so popular in India right now.
    I love dropping here to see the creations though have not yet got time to participate!
    Shylaa have posted about your challenges here :
    Indian Craft Challenges

  4. Feels awesome to be in the top 3 :) Thank you!
